63 thoughts on “6th semester 2022 scheme CSE-ISE

  1. Hello Sir/Madam, Can you please provide the lab manuals for Cloud computing 6th Sem.

  2. Please upload the TOSCA lab manual and could computing lab manual
    And Machine learning theory notes

  3. Sir please provide 2022 scheme full stack development lab component programs.

  4. Hi sir .
    Please upload 2022 scheme Generative AI Lab Manual as soon as possible

  5. Please upload software testing automation BIS657E lab manual immediately.

  6. Please upload software testing automation BIS657E lab manual immediately.

  7. Sir please upload the notes of full stack development. Since internals are nearing it will be very useful. Please sir.

  8. Hlo sir the notes of 6th sem are not opening please make sure to correct it

  9. Sir please upload 6th SEM Mechanical Engineer notes 2022 scheme

  10. hello guys can you upload cloud computing lab manual and software testing automation lab manual.

  11. Upload Engineering Economics and Natural Language Processing 5 modules notes pls

  12. When will you provide the notes for ML and block chain before you were providing that before Internals now we have only few days left for the internals please provide the notes you are taking so much time it’s an humble request

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