C++ Laboratory BCS306B

Develop a C++ program to find the largest of three numbers.

Develop a C++ program to sort the elements in ascending and descending order.

Develop a C++ program using classes to display student name, roll number, marks obtained in two subjects and total score of student.

Develop a C++ program for a bank employee to print name of the employee, account no. & balance. Print invalid balance if amount.

Develop a C++ program to demonstrate function overloading for the following prototypes. add(int a, int b) add(double a, double b).

Develop a C++ program using Operator Overloading for overloading Unary minus operator.

Develop a C++ program to implement Multiple inheritance for performing arithmetic operation of two numbers.

Develop a C++ program using Constructor in Derived classes to initialize alpha, beta and gamma and display corresponding values.

Develop a C++ program to create a text file, check file created or not, if created it will write some text into the file and then read the text from the file.

Develop a C++ program to write and read time in/from binary file using fstream.

Develop a function which throws a division by zero exception and catch it in catch block. Write a C++ program to demonstrate usage of try, catch and throw to handle exception.

Develop a C++ program that handles array out of bounds exception using C++.

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