Advanced Java BIS402
Course Code: BIS402
Credits: 04
CIE Marks: 50
SEE Marks: 50
Total Marks: 100
Exam Hours: 03
Total Hours of Pedagogy: 40H + 12L
Teaching Hours/Weeks: [L:T:P:S] 3:0:2:0
The collections and Framework: Collections Overview, The Collection Interfaces, The Collection Classes, Accessing a collection Via an Iterator, Storing User Defined Classes in Collections, The Random Access Interface, Working With Maps, Comparators, The Collection Algorithms, Arrays,, The legacy Classes and Interfaces, Parting Thoughts on Collections.
String Handling: The String Constructors, String Length, Special String Operations, Character Extraction, String Comparison, Searching Strings, Modifying a String, Data Conversion Using valueOf( ), Changing the Case of Characters Within a String, joining strings, Additional String Methods, StringBuffer, StringBuilder.
Introducing Swing: The Origin of Swing, Swing Is Built on AWT, Two Key Swing Features, The MVC Connection, Components and Containers, The Swing Packages, A Simple Swing Application, Event Handling, Painting in Swing.
Exploring Swing: JLabel and ImageIcon, JTextField, The Swing Buttons-JButton, JToggle Button, Check Boxes, Radio Buttons.
Introducing servlets: Background; The Life Cycle of a Servlet; Using Tomcat for Servlet Development; A simple Servlet; The Servlet API; The Jakarta. Servlet Package; Reading Servlet Parameter; The Jakarta servlet. http package; Handling HTTP Requests and Responses; Using Cookies; Session Tracking. Java Server Pages (JSP); JSP tags, Variables and Objects, Methods, Control statements, Loops, Request String, Parsing other information, User sessions, Cookies, Session Objects.
JDBC Objects: The Concept of JDBC; JDBC Driver Types; JDBC Packages; A Brief Overview of the JDBC process; Database Connection; Associating the JDBC/ODBC Bridge with the Database; Statement Objects; ResultSet; Transaction Processing; Metadata, Data types; Exceptions.