Basics of Java Programming BPLCK105C-205C

Basics of Java Programming BPLCK105C-205C

Basics of Java Programming BPLCK105C-205C

Course Code: BPLCK105C-205C

Credits: 03

CIE Marks: 50

SEE Marks: 50

Total Marks: 100

Exam Hours: 03

Total Hours of Pedagogy: 40H

Teaching Hours/Weeks: [L:T:P:S] 3:0:0:0

An Overview of Java: Object-Oriented Programming, A First Simple Program, A Second Short Program, Two Control Statements, Using Blocks of Code, Lexical Issues, The Java Class Libraries.

Data Types, Variables, and Arrays: Java Is a Strongly Typed Language, The Primitive Types, Integers, Floating-Point Types, Characters, Booleans, A Closer Look at Literals, Variables, Type Conversion and Casting, Automatic Type Promotion in Expressions, Arrays, A Few Words About Strings.

Operators: Arithmetic Operators, The Bitwise Operators, Relational Operators, Boolean Logical Operators, The Assignment Operator, The ? Operator, Operator Precedence, Using Parentheses.

Control Statements: Java’s Selection Statements, Iteration Statements, Jump Statements.

Introducing Classes: Class Fundamentals, Declaring Objects, Assigning Object Reference Variables, Introducing Methods, Constructors, The this Keyword, Garbage Collection, The finalize( ) Method, A Stack Class.

A Closer Look at Methods and Classes: Overloading Methods, Using Objects as Parameters, A Closer Look at Argument Passing, Returning Objects, Recursion, Introducing Access Control, Understanding static, Introducing final, Arrays Revisited.

Inheritance: Inheritance, Using super, Creating a Multilevel Hierarchy, When Constructors Are Called, Method Overriding, Dynamic Method Dispatch, Using Abstract Classes, Using final with Inheritance, The Object Class.

Packages and Interfaces: Packages, Access Protection, Importing Packages, Interfaces.

Exception Handling: Exception-Handling Fundamentals, Exception Types, Uncaught Exceptions, Using try and catch, Multiple catch Clauses, Nested try Statements, throw, throws, finally, Java’s Built-in Exceptions, Creating Your Own Exception Subclasses, Chained Exceptions, Using Exceptions.


Model Set 1 Paper

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