7. Install an Open Source NoSQL Data base MongoDB & perform basic CRUD(Create, Read, Update & Delete) operations. Execute MongoDB basic Queries using CRUD operations.
Performing Basic CRUD Operations:
1. Create Operation:
use basictask;
2. Insert Operation:
◉ Insert single documents:
name: "Braham Kumar",
age: 25,
email: "braham@gmail.com",
status: "inactive"
◉ Insert multiple documents:
name: "Braham Kumar",
age: 25,
email: "braham@gmail.com",
status: "inactive"
name: "Shubham Kumar",
age: 35,
email: "shubham@gmail.com",
status: "active"
name: "Bikash Singh",
age: 28,
email: "bikash@gmail.com",
status: "active"
name: "Shoaib Akhtar",
age: 28,
email: "shoaib@gmail.com",
status: "active"
3. Read Query:
◉ Find all documents:
_id: ObjectId('666c78f13c52fc36f3cdcdf6'),
name: 'Braham Kumar',
age: 25,
email: 'braham@gmail.com',
status: 'inactive'
_id: ObjectId('666c78f13c52fc36f3cdcdf7'),
name: 'Shubham Kumar',
age: 35,
email: 'shubham@gmail.com',
status: 'active'
_id: ObjectId('666c78f13c52fc36f3cdcdf8'),
name: 'Bikash Singh',
age: 28,
email: 'bikash@gmail.com',
status: 'active'
_id: ObjectId('666c78f13c52fc36f3cdcdf9'),
name: 'Shoaib Akhtar',
age: 28,
email: 'shoaib@gmail.com',
status: 'active'
◉ Find documents with specific criteria (e.g., find all users with age greater than 25):
db.users.find({ age: { $gt: 25 } });
_id: ObjectId('666c78f13c52fc36f3cdcdf7'),
name: 'Shubham Kumar',
age: 35,
email: 'shubham@gmail.com',
status: 'active'
_id: ObjectId('666c78f13c52fc36f3cdcdf8'),
name: 'Bikash Singh',
age: 28,
email: 'bikash@gmail.com',
status: 'active'
_id: ObjectId('666c78f13c52fc36f3cdcdf9'),
name: 'Shoaib Akhtar',
age: 28,
email: 'shoaib@gmail.com',
status: 'active'
4. Update Query:
◉ Update a single document:
{ name: "Bikash Singh" },
{ $set: { age: 31 } }
db.users.find({ age: { $gt: 31 } });
_id: ObjectId('666c78f13c52fc36f3cdcdf7'),
name: 'Shubham Kumar',
age: 35,
email: 'shubham@gmail.com',
status: 'active'
◉ Update multiple documents:
{ age: { $gt: 28 } },
{ $set: { status: "inactive" } }
db.users.find({ age: { $gt: 28 } });
_id: ObjectId('666c78f13c52fc36f3cdcdf7'),
name: 'Shubham Kumar',
age: 35,
email: 'shubham@gmail.com',
status: 'inactive'
_id: ObjectId('666c78f13c52fc36f3cdcdf8'),
name: 'Bikash Singh',
age: 31,
email: 'bikash@gmail.com',
status: 'inactive'
5. Delete Query:
◉ Delete a single document:
db.users.deleteOne({ name: "Bikash Singh" });
◉ Delete multiple documents:
db.mycollection.deleteMany({ age: { $gt: 28 } });
5. Basic Queries:
◉ Count documents in a collection:
◉ Sorting documents:
db.users.find().sort({ age: 1 }); // Ascending order
db.users.find().sort({ age: -1 }); // Descending order
◉ Limiting the number of documents returned:
◉ Aggregation queries (e.g., group by and aggregate functions):
{ $group: { _id: "$age", count: { $sum: 1 } } }