7. Develop JavaScript program (with HTML/CSS) for:
a) Converting JSON text to JavaScript Object.
b) Convert JSON results into a date.
c) Converting From JSON To CSV and CSV to JSON.
d) Create hash from string using crypto.createHash() method.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/crypto-js/4.1.1/crypto-js.min.js"></script>
<title>Simple Converter | vtucode</title>
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<div class="container">
<div class="head-title">
<h1>Simple Converter</h1>
<div class="section">
<h2>1. Convert JSON Text to JavaScript Object</h2>
<textarea id="jsonInput" placeholder="Enter JSON here..."></textarea>
<button onclick="convertJsonToObject()">Convert JSON</button>
<pre id="jsonOutput" class="output"></pre>
<div class="section">
<h2>2. Convert JSON Results into Date</h2>
<textarea id="jsonDateInput" placeholder='Enter JSON with date in "yyyy-mm-dd" format'></textarea>
<button onclick="convertJsonToDate()">Convert to Date</button>
<pre id="jsonDateOutput" class="output"></pre>
<div class="section">
<h2>3. Convert JSON to CSV and CSV to JSON</h2>
<textarea id="jsonCsvInput" placeholder="Enter JSON for CSV conversion..."></textarea>
<button onclick="convertJsonToCsv()">JSON to CSV</button>
<pre id="csvOutput" class="output"></pre>
<textarea id="csvInput" placeholder="Enter CSV here..." class="adjust-area"></textarea>
<button onclick="convertCsvToJson()">CSV to JSON</button>
<pre id="jsonCsvOutput" class="output"></pre>
<div class="section">
<h2>4. Create Hash from String</h2>
<input type="text" id="hashInput" placeholder="Enter string to hash">
<button onclick="createHash()">Create Hash</button>
<pre id="hashOutput" class="output"></pre>
function showResult(id, text, isSuccess) {
const element = document.getElementById(id);
element.textContent = text;
element.className = isSuccess ? 'success' : 'error';
element.style.display = 'block';
element.style.opacity = '1';
function convertJsonToObject() {
const jsonInput = document.getElementById('jsonInput').value;
try {
const jsonObject = JSON.parse(jsonInput);
showResult('jsonOutput', JSON.stringify(jsonObject, null, 2), true);
} catch (error) {
showResult('jsonOutput', 'Invalid JSON', false);
function convertJsonToDate() {
const jsonDateInput = document.getElementById('jsonDateInput').value;
try {
const data = JSON.parse(jsonDateInput);
if (data.date && !isNaN(new Date(data.date).getTime())) {
const date = new Date(data.date);
showResult('jsonDateOutput', date.toString(), true);
} else {
showResult('jsonDateOutput', 'Invalid Date Format', false);
} catch (error) {
showResult('jsonDateOutput', 'Invalid JSON', false);
function convertJsonToCsv() {
const jsonInput = document.getElementById('jsonCsvInput').value;
try {
const jsonArray = JSON.parse(jsonInput);
if (Array.isArray(jsonArray) && jsonArray.length > 0) {
const keys = Object.keys(jsonArray[0]);
const csv = [
...jsonArray.map(row => keys.map(key => JSON.stringify(row[key])).join(','))
showResult('csvOutput', csv, true);
} else {
showResult('csvOutput', 'Invalid JSON: Expected an array with objects.', false);
} catch (error) {
showResult('csvOutput', 'Invalid JSON', false);
function convertCsvToJson() {
const csvInput = document.getElementById('csvInput').value;
try {
const lines = csvInput.trim().split('\n');
if (lines.length > 1) {
const keys = lines[0].split(',');
if (keys.length > 0) {
const jsonArray = lines.slice(1).map(line => {
const values = line.split(',');
return keys.reduce((obj, key, index) => {
obj[key] = values[index];
return obj;
}, {});
showResult('jsonCsvOutput', JSON.stringify(jsonArray, null, 2), true);
} else {
showResult('jsonCsvOutput', 'Invalid CSV: No columns found.', false);
} else {
showResult('jsonCsvOutput', 'Invalid CSV: No data found.', false);
} catch (error) {
showResult('jsonCsvOutput', 'Invalid CSV', false);
function createHash() {
const hashInput = document.getElementById('hashInput').value.trim();
if (hashInput.length > 0) {
const hash = CryptoJS.SHA256(hashInput).toString();
showResult('hashOutput', hash, true);
} else {
showResult('hashOutput', 'Input cannot be empty', false);
Note: Take input from below box or you can enter you own input make sure format is correct as per below format to convert.
Convert JSON Text to JavaScript Object*************************
"name": "Alice",
"age": 30,
"city": "New York"
Convert JSON Results into Date*********************************
"date": "2024-09-01"
Convert JSON to CSV********************************************
{"name": "Alice", "age": 30, "city": "New York"},
{"name": "Bob", "age": 25, "city": "San Francisco"},
{"name": "Charlie", "age": 35, "city": "Chicago"}
Convert CSV to JSON********************************************
Alice,30,New York
Bob,25,San Francisco
Create Hash from String****************************************