Introduction to Internet of Things BETCK105H-205H

Introduction to Internet of Things BETCK105H-205H

Introduction to Internet of Things BETCK105H-205H

Course Code: BETCK105H-205H

Credits: 03

CIE Marks: 50

SEE Marks: 50

Total Marks: 100

Exam Hours: 03

Total Hours of Pedagogy: 40H

Teaching Hours/Weeks: [L:T:P:S] 3:0:0:0

Basics of Networking: Introduction, Network Types, Layered network models.

Emergence of IoT: Introduction, Evolution of IoT, Enabling IoT and the Complex Interdependence of Technologies, IoT Networking Components.

IoT Sensing and Actuation: Introduction, Sensors, Sensor Characteristics, Sensorial Deviations, Sensing Types, Sensing Considerations, Actuators, Actuator Types, Actuator Characteristics.

IoT Processing Topologies and Types: Data Format, Importance of Processing in IoT, Processing Topologies, IoT Device Design and Selection Considerations, Processing Offloading.

Associated IOT Technologies:

Cloud Computing: Introduction, Virtualization, Cloud Models, Service-Level Agreement in Cloud Computing, Cloud Implementation, Sensor-Cloud: Sensors-as-a-Service.

IOT Case Studies:

Agricultural IoT: Introduction and Case Studies.

IOT Case Studies and Future Trends:

Vehicular IoT: Introduction.

Healthcare IoT: Introduction, Case Studies.

IoT Analytics: Introduction.


Regular Paper

2 thoughts on “Introduction to Internet of Things BETCK105H-205H

  1. sir in VTU code at the end of the page yu had uploaded previous year question papers and model questions papers but now in this website we are not able to find MODEL QUESTIONS PAPERS OR PREVIOUSE QUESTIONS PAPERS

    pls upload this sir exams are starting from next week

    pls upload 1st year all subjects p cycle papers
    pls sir
    pls pls

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