Theory of Computation BCS503
Course Code: BCS503
Credits: 04
CIE Marks: 50
SEE Marks: 50
Total Marks: 100
Exam Hours: 03
Total Hours of Pedagogy: 50H
Teaching Hours/Weeks: [L:T:P:S] 3:2:0:0
Introduction to Finite Automata, Structural Representations, Automata and Complexity. The Central Concepts of Automata Theory. Deterministic Finite Automata, Nondeterministic Finite Automata, An Application: Text Search, Finite Automata with Epsilon-Transitions.
Regular Expressions, Finite Automata and Regular Expressions, Proving Languages not to be Regular. Closure Properties of Regular Languages, Equivalence and Minimization of Automata, Applications of Regular Expressions.
Context-Free Grammars, Parse Trees, Ambiguity in Grammars and Languages, Ambiguity in Grammars and Languages, Definition of the Pushdown Automaton, The Languages of a PDA, Equivalence of PDA’s and CFG’s, Deterministic Pushdown Automata.
Normal Forms for Context-Free Grammars, The Pumping Lemma for Context-Free Languages, Closure Properties of Context-Free Languages.
Introduction to Turing Machines: Problems That Computers Cannot Solve, The Turing Machine, Programming Techniques for Turing Machines, Extensions to the Basic Turing Machine, Undecidability: A Language That Is Not Recursively Enumerable.
where can i find the answers for 2021 important questions can you plz share the anss for that all
Please give important questions for this subject like the others too.
thanks for uploading the 2022 scheme TC notes helpfull for students and faculties
Pls send important questions for this subject with answer as the previous 2 subjects were done its really useful
ok sir..
ok sir..
DATA WAREHOUSING also we have sir please try to upload printed or typed or hand written notes for it too. As soon as possible sir please
Sir we have datat warehousing also please upload notes for it too🙏🏻. It would be really helpful.
Sure sir..
give written document download