26 thoughts on “5th semester 2022 scheme CSE-ISE

  1. Please upload all subjects printed or typed notes as soon as possible sir 🙏🏻

  2. We have DATA WAREHOUSING subject also please upload typed or handwriting notes for it too , as soon as possible

  3. Bro where is MINI project section??
    And in that section provide usPDFs like codes,and report etc?

  4. Sir please upload notes for software engineer and data warehouse subjects as soon as possible sir , exam in coming next week.

  5. Bro please send IMAGE AND VIDEO PROCESSING notes for CSE-AIML 5th sem BCI515D

  6. Data warehousing BAD515B notes and important questions please upload as soon as possible

  7. Please provide module notes and question paper/ Model question paper for Information Retrieval.

  8. Sir
    Please upload model question paper of FUll stack development BIC515C

  9. Sir Kindly upload model question paper of Full stack development BCS515C

  10. please upload marketing research and marketing management subject notes and mqp pls

  11. heyy, the sgpa calculator for 5th sem 22 scheme has wrong credits assigned to sepm it’s 4 credit not 3

  12. Pls upload BCS508 material Environmental studies and E waste management

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